Provide safe crystal clear drinking water for your guests and staff and enjoy savings from recycled watery
- Provide safe drinking water
- Avoid waterborne diseases
- Save money on staff drinking water
- Keep everybody healthy and increase your productivity
- Earn staff loyalty and give clean water for their families
- Recycle your wastewater and save money
- Water your gardens for free
- Differentiate your restaurant
- Be more ecofriendly
Operating a restaurant comes with a large liability towards your guests’ wellbeing and health. To operate a restaurant hygienically it is required to have access to clean water – the restaurant will need to guarantee a bacteria and virus free food production environment and provide washing facilities with protection against waterborne spread diseases like legionella. For restaurants in areas not connected to the sewer grid a responsibility is relied on their operation to ensure that the discharged wastewater meets the national parameters.
Aqua Unique has many years of experiences in delivering custom build solutions for the hospitality industry. We are aware and acknowledge the challenges that are involved in operating a restaurant in Africa, yet the operation is basically being expected to meet international standards.
We design our systems around being cost beneficial to your already exiting operation or new facility. Our water purification technologies ensure you operate your restaurant for your guests and staff. Our wastewater treatment technologies guarantee that you meet the national parameters for discharged wastewater by miles. As a sidekick treated wastewater can offer your operation huge savings from having to purchase water as it can manageable be recycled (read purified) and used again for your operation. Alternative treated wastewater water can be used free of charge to irrigate your gardens – either through a simple tap system or a more sophisticated piped irrigation system.
Water for tea and coffee
Did you know that it is recommended boiling the water for tea and coffee for over 20 minutes to kill all bacteria and viruses? Even if you do that – you can still end up with chemical contaminated water as boiling doesn’t remove chemicals at all.
Juice up your profit margin
Many guests love fresh fruit juices and so do most restaurant owners as the profit margin on fruit juices are great. But why not increase that profit margin, by adding your own purified water?
Water purification
There exist a number of different water purification technologies applicable to a restaurant. But if we generalize – the choice is really between two systems.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is generally considered as the safest water purification technology. The alternative and less costly is Ultrafiltration (UF). Both systems shall be combined with pre-filtration and post UV-disinfection (UV-C). Reverse Osmosis systems are delivered in a wide range of sizes – with a purified water production from 1.1m3 to +100,000m3 per day. Ultrafiltration meanwhile tends to be applicable to large sizes restaurants as the water purification production starts from 40m3 to +200,000m3 per day. You can surely find providers offering small particles filters or even smaller Reverse Osmosis plants, but believe us – they are not safe and will breakdown after a few months of use.
A Reverse Osmosis water purification plant removes particles, bacteria, parasites, contaminants, viruses, salts, heavy metals, colour, odour and taste from the source water. While an Ultrafiltration water purification plant reduces particles, colour, odour, contaminants, heavy metals, taste and removes bacteria, parasites and viruses from the source water.
For new facilities (yet to be constructed) our innovative solutions include water separation where the water is split into two levels. One level will be multi-usage water for cleaning, washing and toilet use while the second line is pure drinking water for food production, usage in guest bathrooms and staff and optional guests’ drinking water. This is a very efficient way to save capital investment cost as well later operating cost.
Multi-usage water line. Water will be treated by pre media filters and environmental friendly UV disinfection ensuring protection against waterborne spread diseases. Water pipes will be protected against precipitation/scaling.
Pure drinking water line. Water will be purified most commonly by pre media filters, Ultrafiltration or Reverse Osmosis technology in combination with environmental friendly extended UV disinfection.
This solution can also be applied to existing facilities, but can as such include more serious water network renovation work.
Please read more about our Reverse Osmosis technologies here and Ultrafiltration water purification technologies here.
Wastewater systems
Our innovative wastewater plants are environmental friendly using only a biological driven technology called SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor). The process is driven by air which pushes the wastewater from the receiving buffer tank to the treatment tank where the biological aeration phase takes place. Operating the treatment system without any pumps reduces the risks of fault tremendously.
Simple and easy
Aqua Unique’s wastewater systems are delivered fully equipped and ready for installation. On location, only the outer tanks need to be constructed. Connect the pipes and power, and the system is in operation.
Extremely low power consumption
The systems are designed that no pump is required. The only power consumption is for a compressor blowing air into the treatment process. As an example a treatment plant handling the wastewater for 7,5m3 per day only consumes 550 watt for 9 hours a day making it possible to run it of a small solar system. A plant of that size also only takes up the space equally to a 20 foot container. See also the section for Container Solutions here.
High treatment efficiency
The parameters of treated water meet the national discharge parameters without any problems. Purification effect of SBR technology is very high and it is in range of 90 to 97%, (BOD5 ca. 97 %, COD ca. 95 %, SS ca. 96 %, N-NH4 ca. 90 %).
Wastewater treatment for your own benefits
As a sidekick treated wastewater can offer your operation huge savings from having to purchase water as it can manageable be recycled (read purified) and used again for your operation. Alternative treated wastewater water can be used free of charge to irrigate your gardens – either through a simple tap system or a more sophisticated piped irrigation system.
You can also read more about our wastewater solutions here.
You are also very welcome to contact us for a discussion on your existing water set up or new development.