Wastewater Treatment

It is a well known fact that poor sanitation and insufficient or lack of wastewater systems are a very serious health hazard and a peril to the environment. Never the less just over a third of the East African population are serviced with improved sanitation.

In the last 10 to 15 years a lot of research has gone into decentralised wastewater treatment plants and easy manageable technologies have been developed. The biggest developments have happened on plants servicing smaller networks with 10 to 5,000 users. These plants take advance of a biological treatment technology which requires very little power, space and maintenance.

Once the water has been treated it can perfectly be used for irrigation and thereby save cost. It is also possible after applying some affordable post treatments to utilize the water for toilet flushing which on average makes up 40-45% of humans’ water usage and hence will lead to saving an equal figure on your water bill.

Aqua Unique offers various innovative wastewater treatment solutions in the range of 6 to 350,000 users. The systems and plants offered meet all regulations set by the national authorities.

Trachoma causes visual impairments in 5 million people

Water washed diseases occur when we do not have sufficient amounts of clean water for personal hygiene and washing.

Skin and eye contact with contaminated water can cause trachoma, scabies and flea, lice and tick-borne diseases and can easily be passed from person to person.

The economic benefit from having safe water and sanitation is an estimated 84 billion USD

Meeting the Millennium Development Goals, halving the proportion of people without access to safe water and sanitation by 2015, means some 322 million working days per year gained, at a value of nearly 750 million USD, and an annual health sector cost saving of 7 USD billion. Overall, the total economic benefits of meeting the MDG target have been estimated at 84 billion USD.

Customer service

Aqua Unique is committed to responsive Customer Service. We listen to our customers and can always be reached for immediate assistance. Call us for a quote on how to have the best and highest quality water purification systems installed. Or simply get advice on water recycling utilities. We are here to help for better water management.